“ Dear Alcira, L .P. is looking forward to holding another seminar with Alcira Conseil. The seminar we held a few years ago is still the most memorable team building meeting we have ever experienced. To this day, we still refer to the learnings we acquired and newcomers to the team are eager to be part of such a meeting in the future.As for me, I have changed my interview and recruiting approach ever since. Thank you again for making La Prairie team members understand themselves better and mostly how to interact to be the best team in the world…Best and thanks again “
NM VP of Brand Development & International Marketing de La Prairie
“ Développement des potentiels, complémentarité des talents pour optimiser les synergies, Alcira a une vision innée du facteur humain au service de l’entreprise. Elle s’appuie sur des techniques avérées pour vérifier et rationaliser ses choix “
C.G. Directrice Marketing
“ Si elle sait analyser les données rationnellement, il y aussi dans son approche une grande part intuitive. Alcira a un jugement sûr quant aux personne “
T.L. Directeur Général d'un groupe multinational